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Types of Eczema

There are several types of eczema, however here we only talk about the most common forms, such as atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis,hand eczema, and  seborrheic dematitis.

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Atopic Dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis is considered a more severe form of eczema, and it is very common. It is associated with elevated total immunoglobulin E (IgE) in serum, which means there are one or more triggers or allergens in presence. Atopic dermatitis starts in early childhood, and is a chronic skin condition. Some grow out of it with time, others carry it to adulthood.  Atopic dermatitis is very itchy and appears commonly on face, neck, arms, and legs. There is a hereditary factor, which means kids with parents who have atopic dermatitis have higher probabilities of getting atopic eczema themselves.

Contact Dermatitis

Hand eczema is also called hand dermatitis, or dyshidrotic eczema. There are two types of hand eczema, a dry and wet form.  Dry dyshidrotic eczema leads to dry skin, particularly on finger tips, and in some cases form small cracks that can be painful. The best way to manage this type of skin condition is to use a very strong moisturizer and apply it to all finger tips frequently. Please read here about how LEMYKA Calming Cream relieves dryness and pain from dyshidrotic eczema. Wet form can be quite severe and may lead to blisters.  In both cases, hands are exposed to chemicals that trigger an allergic reaction (hand allergy).  Hand eczema affects many nurses, physicians, hair dressers, and chefs who need to wash their hands frequently throughout the day. Minimizing the exposure to harsh chemicals and potential allergens is the key to improving symptoms.

Hand eczema (hand dermatitis, dyshidrotic eczema)

Hand eczema is also called hand dermatitis, or dyshidrotic eczema. There are two types of hand eczema, a dry and wet form.  Dry dyshidrotic eczema leads to dry skin, particularly on finger tips, and in some cases form small cracks that can be painful. The best way to manage this type of skin condition is to use a very strong moisturizer and apply it to all finger tips frequently. Please read here about how LEMYKA Calming Cream relieves dryness and pain from dyshidrotic eczema. Wet form can be quite severe and may lead to blisters.  In both cases, hands are exposed to chemicals that trigger an allergic reaction (hand allergy).  Hand eczema affects many nurses, physicians, hair dressers, and chefs who need to wash their hands frequently throughout the day. Minimizing the exposure to harsh chemicals and potential allergens is the key to improving symptoms.

Seborrheic Dermatitis

Seborrheic eczema is a common skin condition that causes redness, scaly patches, and in some cases, dandruff. It mostly affects the scalp, but it can also develop in oily areas, such as the face, upper chest, and back.  When infants develop this condition, it’s known as cradle cap. It typically develops within the first few weeks of life and gradually disappears over time. It may also occur in adults.

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