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Top 4 Most Common Triggers for your Hives

What are hives? Hives are recognized by raised, red, itchy patches or skin-colored bumps on the skin. They can cause both itching and stinging sensations. These raised areas form due to the body releasing a protein called histamine, which increases blood flow, allowing white blood cells and other proteins to move through blood vessel walls to deal with foreign substances or allergens in the affected skin. 

Hives, also known as urticaria, are quite common, affecting approximately 20% of the US population. They can either go away on their own after a few weeks (acute urticaria), or last for a very long time (chronic urticaria). In rare cases, hives can lead to dangerous swelling in the airways, and should be treated right away. To learn more about treatment options for hives, visit our blog post titled, “Hives treatments and causes- How much do we know?” 

woman blowing her nose into a tissue while sitting amongst flowers

  • Allergies: this is the most frequent reason for a breakout of hives. Adults frequently acquire new allergies unexpectedly, and food allergies are what often triggers this issue. Direct physical contact with a latex allergen, bee stings, mosquito stings, and wasp stings can also cause hives to develop. Additionally, pharmaceutical reactions to certain medications can lead to hives development.

woman who is sweating profusely
  • Emotional distress: stress can cause hives due to chemical and hormonal imbalances. This is commonly known as “stress rash”. 

  • Working out: sweating can lead to development of hives if the person is allergic to a specific antibody generated in sweat glands.

  • Viruses & infections: in some cases, certain viral infections such as the common cold, the flu, mono, etc. and bacterial infections have been known to trigger hives as part of the body’s immune response. 

Ultimately, there are many different possibilities on what can cause a hive outbreak. If you are trying to figure out what exactly triggered this response, try to keep a record of when hives occur and note any potential triggers. Observing patterns can help pinpoint the cause and manage symptoms effectively. For severe and recurrent hives, consult a healthcare professional who can conduct tests and provide guidance!


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