Children with sensitive skin or skin allergies may be allergic to oat proteins commonly found in skin products. Aside from contact allergic reactions, they may simply have oat allergies.
How common is oat allergy? It may be more common than you think and it could occur at any age. What's in oats that trigger allergic reactions?
Oat is gluten-free, however, it contains a protein called avenin. Oat allergy and oat sensitivity both trigger an immune system response that leads to the formation of antibodies designed to combat avenin.
Common oat allergy symptoms include:
blotchy, irritated, itchy skin rash or skin irritation on and in the mouth, scratchy throat, runny nose, nasal congestion, or itchy eyes. Severe cases of oat allergy result in nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. Oat protein acts as both respiratory and skin allergens.
A pediatric dermatology group has found that close to 30% of eczema children ranging from 4 months to 15 years old have oatmeal allergies. Interestingly, none of the parents of these children suspected an oat allergy in their child.
When oatmeal-containing cream is applied repeatedly to children with oat allergies, nearly one-third of the kids developed oat allergy eczema or experience skin allergic reactions.
Oat allergy is common among children with eczema. Based on a study in 2007, a significant percentage of infants and children with atopic dermatitis had allergic skin reactions to products containing oats, such as oatmeal creams or oatmeal lotion. The researchers suggest that children younger than two years old should avoid oat allergy foods and oat-containing skin products.
LEMYKA skincare is completely oat-free and is ideal for children with sensitive skin and skin issues such as eczema and common dermatitis. We are highly selective with our ingredients and only use those that are known to be hypoallergenic.
Our baby eczema cream is clinically skin allergy and dermatologist tested. LEMYKA oat allergy-free allergy-free products focus on maintaining and restoring healthy skin with our advanced formula. Our oatmeal free skincare series are safe and gentle for the skin and the body.