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Facts about dry skin

Dry skin is also known as xerosis.


It's estimated that over one third US population has dry skin conditions. This common and typically mild condition can be caused by both external and internal factors.


External factors include environmental factors such as sun array exposure or weather.  Low humidity winter days often result in drier skin compared to other seasons of the year. Constant exposure to harsh cleansing products or skin irritants could easily lead to dry skin. Certain medications, including retinoids for the skin, or antihistamines may also lead to dry skin as a potential side effect.


Internal factors include age, hormonal changes, overall health, hereditary components, or certain illness such as eczema.


What are the common symptoms associated with dry skin? Dullness, flaking, itching, areas of dry patches, redness, thickening of skin, small bumps (especially when persist dryness leads to itching, skin bumps may appear after scratching), dry cracks (this could lead to pain or even more complications such as local infections).


What are some of the most effective ways to manage dry skin?


1) Use of strong moisturizers that deeply hydrate skin. For dry face, avoid using greasy moisturizers that may clog pores. LEMYKA intensive moisturizers holds moisture to the skin for up to 48 hrs. Learn more here.


2) Avoid excessive washing. Only use mild cleanser that doesn't leave skin dry and use only lukewarm water when washing, minimize the use of hot water!


3) Avoid using harsh soap, also avoid using any skincare products with skin sensitizing or irritating ingredients (read more about ingredients to avoid).


4) Wear proper and effective sunscreen for outdoor activities. Learn more about LEMYKA non-nano ZnO sunscreen, gentle, soothing, and hydrating for dry and sensitive skin.  


5) Limit bathing frequency and duration.

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